Woodworking specialist applying hemp oil to woodHemp oil soaks into wood beautifully thanks to its naturally thin viscosity, penetrating deeply and forming a flexible finish. This simple yet transformative finish helps protect wood surfaces while helping you feel good about your projects thanks to the environmentally friendly formulation that nourishes your wood floors and furniture. Among all the hemp oil products on the market, Hemp Oil from the Real Milk Paint Co. stands out due to its THC-free, hypoallergenic formulation that’s free of chemical additives and contains only naturally occurring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for safer use in your DIY projects. Find out how to apply hemp oil to wood to breathe new life into painted furniture, revive old finishes as a furniture polish and bring out the natural beauty of raw wood floors and furnishings while adding a low-sheen look.

Preparing Your Wooden Surface for Hemp Seed Oil

Taking the time to prepare your projects properly enhances the application process and the overall beauty and durability of the piece you’re finishing. Following these steps ensures your wood surface is ready to absorb all the rich, protective benefits of hemp oil and its beautiful luster.

Cleaning the Surface

Properly preparing your wood furniture, floors or surface for hemp seed oil application makes all the difference in your final results. To get the look you want, first clean the wood surface with Emerge Cleaner & Degreaser or Tri-Sodium Phosphate and a soft brush to remove every trace of dust, dirt and grease. Mild detergent on a damp, lint-free cloth also works well for cleaning furniture and decor that’s not as grimy. Before sanding the surface to add tooth and applying hemp oil, make sure the wood is completely dry to ensure proper application.

Sanding for Better Absorption

Next, open the wood’s pores for better Hemp Oil penetration. This finishing oil soaks deeply into surfaces when you properly prepare them by removing old finishes and rougher spots on the wood, so sanding with our non-woven hand pads lets you achieve optimal absorption. Sand toward the wood grain to decrease scratching risks that mar your piece’s beauty. After the first round of sanding, change to fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the finish, and wipe down the surface or vacuum to remove all the accumulated dust.

Double-Checking Your Work

man applying hemp oil on his woodworking project

After sanding and cleaning, look at the wood surface to check for any rough spots or imperfections you missed. Hit those areas again if you find them, cleaning up any debris as you go so it doesn’t compromise your natural hemp oil finish when applied. Getting a smooth, dust-free surface before hemp oil is applied ensures deep penetration and a beautiful, flexible finish that protects antique wood floors, raw wood coffee table tops and furniture coated with country chic paint while adding to their overall beauty.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Hemp Oil to Wood

If you’re looking for top tips on how to apply hemp oil to surfaces covered with Real Milk Paint or raw wood, we’ve got you covered. The way you apply environmentally friendly Hemp Oil from the Real Milk Paint Co. depends on the type of surface you’re coating with this all-natural product. Decide your project piece’s method, and follow the steps to get the best results.

Restoring an Existing Finish

Restoring an existing finish in one coat is a breeze with Hemp Oil. Simply grab a lint-free rag, like an old T-shirt or clean shop towel, and pour the oil onto it. Apply the oil liberally to the existing finish, allowing it to soak into the wood grain for 40 minutes. After the time is up, use another clean rag to remove excess oil. This straightforward process ensures a durable, streak-free finish. Let the surface cure for 7 to 10 days before using the item.

Application on Raw Wood

When you apply Hemp Oil to raw wood, you repeat the apply, absorb and remove steps several times until the surface doesn’t let the oil absorb anymore. First, apply the hemp oil with a lint-free rag, liberally coating the surface. Let the oil soak into the raw wood, then add another coat. Repeat this process over and over again past the second or third coat until the hemp oil stops penetrating and pools on the surface. Wipe away the excess oil and let the surface cure for a week or two.

Curing Times for All Natural Hemp Oil

Tri-Sodium Phosphate all-purpose cleanerBecause hemp oil contains no additives that speed up drying like commercial products, it can take up to 30 days to fully cure via a natural polymerization process. For the best results, let your piece cure in a warm, well-ventilated spot for faster curing. You can use surfaces covered in hemp oil within 15 days — just be sure to avoid getting them dirty or letting moisture stand on them.

Remember, as Hemp Oil cures, its resistance to liquids and dirt strengthens, making your surfaces more durable. This finishing oil expands slightly as it cures, pushing excess oil to the surface. Regularly check the surface for this issue and remove it with a rag if you find it is occurring on your wood floors, furniture, home decor or food-safe kitchenware like cutting boards. With Hemp Oil, you can trust its effectiveness and protection for your surfaces.

Aftercare and Maintenance for Hemp Oil Finishes

Caring for wood finished with Hemp Oil requires only mild soap and hot water. To maintain its integrity over time, avoid using strong solvents, commercial chemicals and acids on the finish. Though higher-traffic pieces may require more frequent cleaning and care, those you don’t use a lot should be good with a quick touch-up using Hemp Oil as a polish. Follow these steps to add this food-safe finishing oil maintenance coat to your painted and raw wood projects.

  1. Pour Hemp Oil on a lint-free rag or cloth and wipe it across the surface.
  2. Let the hemp seed oil soak in for 40 minutes, then wipe off the excess.
  3. Let Hemp Oil fully cure for a couple of weeks to ensure an effective seal.
  4. Take oil-soaked rags outside to hang and dry out to prevent fires.

Troubleshooting Common Issues With Hemp Oil Finishes

Real Milk Paint and Hemp Oil for wood finishEven when carefully applied, Hemp Oil presents a few common challenges that are relatively simple to spot, troubleshoot and avoid. Let’s explore these issues to ensure you always achieve a smooth finish that showcases the natural beauty of your furniture or project piece.

  1. Uneven application: Uneven coatings can result in splotchy areas. Solve this problem by waiting until the hemp seed oil dries for an hour and applying one thin coat over the uneven spots with a clean, lint-free rag. Then, gently blend the hemp oil into the existing coat to even out the appearance.
  2. Excessive oiliness: If the wood feels too oily or sticky after application, you probably used too much Hemp Oil. Resolve this issue by waiting a few hours to let the oil dry partially. Then, wipe the surface down thoroughly with a clean, dry rag to remove the excess oil. If the wood floors, furniture or home decor remain tacky after this, smooth out the area with a small amount of Odorless Mineral Spirits and test an inconspicuous spot beforehand to prevent damage.
  3. Slow drying times: Compared to commercial varnishes, Hemp Oil has longer drying times due to a lack of chemical additives. If you’re unsure why your project hasn’t cured fully, check the environmental conditions and place it in a warm, well-ventilated spot to speed up the drying process. Areas with too cold or humid an environment may require adding a heating fan to increase air circulation and room temperature.
  4. Dust particles in finish: Dust may settle into the hemp seed oil during the curing process, creating a rough texture. Avoid this problem by applying Hemp Oil in a dust-free setting and keeping the area clean while the polymerization occurs by adding a flexible finish. If dust does settle on the piece and you need to remove it, wait until it fully cures and lightly sand the area with 320-grit or higher sandpaper. Then, reapply one coat over it lightly to repair the look.
  5. Discoloration and darkening: Though even commercial hemp oil generally doesn’t change the color of the wood, the penetration process can sometimes darken the piece significantly. To prevent this problem and protect your piece, do a spot test before applying hemp seed oil. High-quality options like Hemp Oil from Real Milk Paint avoid this issue by simply bringing out the natural tones in the wood and providing a matte finish with low luster for an attractive look on your projects.

Use the Best Hemp Oil From The Real Milk Paint Co.

Use Hemp Oil by the Real Milk Paint Co. when you want a top-notch finishing oil that’s not only nontoxic but also food-safe and all-natural. Besides enhancing the environmental friendliness of your projects, it offers a thin viscosity for easy application, a pleasant nutty aroma and a gorgeous low-sheen matte finish.