We built a new house here in the mountains of Tennessee. Used your Real Milk Paint Tung Oil for 2 areas. The office work surface and the kitchen bar top. both are built from slabs of Tulip Popular. The Tung oil brought out the natural colors and grain.
Archer Out Back
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T10:44:58-05:00Quality material as well as the finish used for all Archer outdoor furniture. This Adirondack features a Pure Tung Oil finish. Randall Archer http://www.archeroutback.com/
Drum Kit
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T11:09:15-05:00Hey Dwayne – Here’s a snap of the drums. The wood is canarywood, the finish is your pure tung oil. Three coats rubbed in to seal, then several more coats sanded in, working up through the grits from 400 to 1000. I cut the tung oil 1 to 1 with the citrus solvent, which really [...]
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T10:57:13-05:00have a work in progress in the living room of my 90+ year old house. I was very hesitant to jump in on using Tung Oil but after calling you (I think I talked to Rick … but not sure) I decided to say what the heck… The work is still very much in progress [...]
Handmade Bamboo Didgeridoos
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T11:30:04-05:00Dear Real Milk Paint Guys, Here’s the picture I promised you of three of my handmade bamboo didgeridoos. I found that tung oil is the absolute best product available for the inner bore of these instruments to keep moisture from soaking into the wood and causing possible splitting issues. It’s also non-toxic which is a [...]
Reclaimed Wood Bench
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T10:41:01-05:00Pictured is just one example of the outstanding craftsmanship The Rediscovered Wood Floor Company is known for. The company displays a varied selection of high quality and unique products finished with Real Milk Paint’s Pure Tung Oil. The Rediscovered Wood Floor Company Ltd. www.bloomsfloorswithflair.com
Wood Countertops
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T12:13:22-05:00The Rediscovered Wood Floor Company Ltd. www.bloomsfloorswithflair.com Stunning example of reclaimed wood counter tops finished with Pure Tung Oil by The Rediscovered Wood Floor Company Ltd.
Antique Wagon Restoration
WP SitePlan2018-07-27T11:35:49-05:00Congratulations to Ed Malachosky in completing his Eagle Scout project. Ed took on the project of restoring this Antique wagon that will be on public display. Ed had quite a time finding all the correct period hardware as well as a wheel wright to help repair the wheels. The Real Milk Paint Co. was happy [...]